Anti-cheat system
Last updated
Last updated
Using devices that have been hacked, reflashed or have OS changes will result in WINGSFIT not working properly. Please note that we will not help you recover lost funds due to GPS hacking or cheating programs.
The game uses 3 mechanics to suppress cheating:
Motion sensor and health data
WINGFIT`S Anti-Cheating System (WMAC) Artificial Intelligence
After you press the ยซStopยป button and the training is over, the WMAC system will carefully analyze whether you have used the WINGSFIT move2earn mechanics.
Each new user starts with 100/100 reputation points, this score is invisible to the user. If the user tries to cheat, the userโs reputation score is reduced. When the reputation score is below 100, it is impossible to interact with the NFT market, as well as to make transfers between accounts and withdrawal from the wallet. If the user stops cheating, the reputation will gradually return to 100/100.
The WMAC system will manage the reputation score and analyze the userโs earnings.
The table below describes possible actions and how the system will respond to them. This table does not limit the possible actions that can be taken against a user who misuses the application.
GPS manipulation
Reduced reputation points, no rewards
Hacking attempt
Reduced reputation points, no rewards
Movement simulation
Reduced reputation points, no rewards
Using multiple phones running the WINGSFIT app in walk mode simultaneously
Reduced reputation points, no rewards
Using animals for walks
Reduced reputation points, no rewards
Walking with friends
Not cheating
Increase reputation points, award for m2e
Walking with 2 phones, but only 1 active account
Not cheating
Increase reputation points, award for m2e
The anti-cheat system will not punish users for walking on a treadmill. Such a walk will not accrue tokens, and therefore will not be checked by the system.