โ›๏ธGear Minting

Gear-Minting Event (GME) is when users use 2 Gears they own as a blueprint to โ€œbreedโ€, producing a Gearbox in the process. For reference, the 2 Gears will be called Vintages (Parents). Both Vintages need to be in the userโ€™s possession (not under lease) and have full durability to begin an GME.

Users can then select a Gear, by heading to the Mint tab, choosing the Gear to โ€œbreedโ€ with, and pressing Mint to proceed. The user will instantly receive a Gearbox that can be opened immediately.

Users can perform a maximum of 7 GMEs per Gear. The higher GME count a Gear has, the more WFT/WST it will cost. Gear-Minting costs for each Vintage is calculated separately and added together for the final Minting cost.

Gear-Minting has a 48-hour cool down for both Vintages โ€“ Gears can still be used for movement.

The quality of a Gearbox is determined by an origin gearโ€™s quality:

Gear Minting Cost

Gear minting cost has dynamic pricing.

Minting cost = basic WFT (F) + basic WST (S) + additional WST (S * k)

Additional value (WST) appears when the WFT token rate rises and serves to curb the growth of the token price.

To control inflation, we have limited mint NFT boxes with a couldown shoe to 72 hours. This means that after creating a new box, you have to wait 72 hours before creating another new box. The 72-hour limit applies to the entire account.


  • If WFT < 0.5$, k=0;

  • If 0.5$ <= WFT < 0.75$, k=0.5;

  • If 0.75$ <= WFT < 1$, k=1;

  • If 1$ <= WFT < 1.25$, k=1.25;

  • If 1.25$ <= WFT < 1.5$, k=2;

  • If 1.5$ <= WFT < 2.5$, k=4;

  • If 2.5$ <= WFT < 5$, k=6;

  • If 5$ <= WFT, k=8;

Common + Common

Common + Uncommon

Common + Rare

Uncommon + Uncommon

Uncommon + Rare

Rare + Rare

Probability of getting boxes when crossing:

The quality of a Gearbox is determined by an origin gearโ€™s quality:

By unlock the Gearbox, users will get a brand new Gear, with the Gear Quality being decided by the Gearbox Quality:

Two Vintage Sneakers define the New Sneaker kinds:

The two Origin Gear kinds determine the new Gear type:

Gear-Minting Variation

Gear Attributes are randomized according to their quality, regardless of their Vintageโ€™s Attributes.

Minting Scroll

  1. Minting Scroll has five qualities, that matches the Gear quality.

  2. Minting Scroll can be found from Mystery Chest, it is not a guaranteed drop.

  3. Minting requires 2 Minting Scrolls, 2 Vintage Gears, WFT and WST.

  4. The Minting Scrolls need to match the Vintage Gears' quality.

  5. Minting Scrolls are permanently burned after use.

Last updated